Five Things to Avoid When Buying The Best Air Purifier

Author: Geoff

Sep. 02, 2024




Tags: Machinery

Five Things to Avoid When Buying The Best Air Purifier

Five Things to Avoid When Buying The Best Air Purifier

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5 Common Pitfalls When Buying The Best Air Purifier

There are many industry measurements in air purification that gauge performance such as CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute). This metric provides a view into the efficiency related to the air purifier, by measuring  how many cubic feet per minute this air purifier can scrub. Another measure that is vital to improving your indoor air quality is called dwell time
We breathe in and out, day and night, about 12 to 20 times or more per minute. You may take even more breaths, depending on your activity level.  That means you take 17,000 to 30,000 breaths per day! You need air to provide your body with oxygen, and your respiratory system helps to get rid of toxins in the body. Breathing is as essential to life as the heart is to pump blood through your veins. But what happens if the air around you is polluted? If you don&#;t like the taste of something you are eating, you can choose to stop eating it.
Unfortunately, even if you know the air around you is contaminated or bad for you, you won&#;t be able to simply stop breathing. You can choose is to surround yourself with the best air possible. One way of eliminating toxic pollutants in the air is to run an indoor air purifier in your bedroom or in the areas where you spend most of your time.
When you look up air purifiers online, you will find many different options, from low-cost models in your neighbourhood retail store to high-end contraptions that come with a hefty bill. Just with anything you want to buy, make sure you do your research and don&#;t buy the wrong unit.
A good air purifier needs to be able to address the widest range of indoor air pollutants in your surroundings. It needs to have the right filters to target the pollutants that affect you most. Before we get into the five air purifiers you should never buy, let me take a few moments to talk about the dangers of breathing polluted air:
In some industries, it&#;s a well-known fact that workers are exposed to toxic chemicals and fumes. Think about hair stylists in salons, welders, health care workers, and more. Even if you spend most of your time at home, the air that you breathe is contaminated to some degree.

Poor Indoor Air Quality 

EPA studies show that poor IAQ may be more dangerous than outdoor pollution. In many cases, the indoor air quality is two to five times worse than outdoor air, in some cases, even up to 100 times worse.
Remember the term &#;Sick Building Syndrome?&#; One of the problems is that indoor air pollutants come from many different sources. There are well-known pollutants such as pollen, dust and dust mites, tobacco smoke and wood smoke. Toxic pollutants can also emanate from the very materials and furniture that surrounds you. There is formaldehyde in particleboards, toxic fumes coming off paint, stains and other finishes, fabrics that have been treated&#; the list is very long.
You may also contribute to indoor air pollution inadvertently if you use many personal care products, apply harsh cleaning products, cook on a gas stove or get a lot of dry-cleaning done, for example. In modern construction buildings, these indoor air pollutants are often allowed to build up because the homes have been made so energy efficient and less leaky.
Indoor air pollution can affect people quite differently. Some are very sensitive to odors and chemicals. Others develop allergies to dust and other particles. Some do not seem to be affected at all for a long time. The people that are most at risk are babies and children because they are so low to the ground and they take more breaths than adults. The elderly also need to be careful.
The EPA warns that IAQ-related health effects can appear immediately in the form of allergic-like responses or much later in the form of chronic diseases or even cancer. That is why it is so important to assess the air we are breathing and to take steps to breathe cleaner air, if possible.
Here are some tips for you to consider when you look for the right air purifier. Air purifiers are not regulated by the government, and there are so many designs, filters and systems to choose from.
The air purifier that would be best for you depends on your surroundings, sensitivities and concerns.

1) Never buy an air purifier from a manufacturer that promises the strongest motor

The first air purifier to avoid is one that boasts a super strong motor. This seems illogical. After all, isn&#;t stronger better?

Not in this case.

When air is pushed through an air purifier at a high rate, the filters won&#;t be able to remove as many toxins, meaning you may be exposed to them longer.

If your air purifier uses a HEPA filter, a strong motor may actually prove damaging over time, as it will fray the strands making up the filter. That, too, will decrease the air purifier&#;s efficiency.

If your air purifier uses granular activated carbon for the removal of odors and chemicals, great. It is one of the most important filters out there.

But these filters also work best when the air is allowed to pass through at a slower rate. That way, the carbon can adsorb the highest amount of VOCs and toxic chemicals.


2) Never buy an air purifier that has a medical-grade HEPA filter ONLY

The second air purifier that you should never buy is one that comes with only one filter - even if it is a good one.  

The pleated HEPA filter has been shown to remove 99.9 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns in size, which is great. These filters are important to people who are sensitive to dust, pollen and other particles.

But particles are all these HEPA filters are catching.

Chemicals and odors will pass right through, and they can affect your health and well-being in the long term.

According to the Canadian government, longer-term health effects of chemical exposure might include organ damage, weakening of the immune system, reproductive problems and birth defects, effects on the mental cognitive or physical development of children as well as cancer.

The EPA also acknowledges that breathing polluted air can lead to short-term and long-term health effects.
Immediate effects are often similar to colds and may include sneezing, irritated eyes, throat and nose, difficulty breathing and more.
Breathing polluted air over a long period of time has been linked to serious and often fatal conditions, including respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer.
In order to remove airborne chemicals and gases, an air purifier needs more than just a HEPA filter.
A complete air purifier must include a deep-bed activated carbon filter that is packed with many pounds of carbon. Carbon is also used in water filters, gas masks and medical treatments to counteract poison.

It is the most effective filter media on the market to trap airborne chemicals, gases and odors. It can remove formaldehyde, traffic fumes, benzene, smoke as well as hundreds of other volatile organic compounds.


3) Never buy an air purifier that has less than a 2.5-inch deep bed of carbon

The third air purifier you should never buy is one that doesn&#;t have enough carbon.

 As I mentioned earlier, activated carbon is the most important filter to get rid of chemicals and odors in the ambient air.

But just because a manufacturer states that the unit features an activated carbon filter, that does not mean it comes with enough carbon or that it comes with the right type of carbon.

Some manufacturers spray a thin layer of activated carbon over mesh and call that an activated carbon filter. Technically, they are right, but it won&#;t be effective for long.

Others offer a thin wall or box of activated carbon that also limits its efficiency and longevity.

An effective and long-lasting carbon filter features a deep bed of granular activated carbon and offers at least 2.5 inches of progressive diagonal filtration to maximize its filtration capacity.

This all makes sense once you understand how activated carbon works.

Activated carbon is made from organic materials such as charcoal, wood and coconut shell, heated up in the absence of air and crushed into granules.
It is then treated with oxygen, which opens millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms and produces a large surface area for gases and odors to get adsorbed.

Adsorption means that pollutants attach themselves to the surface area of the carbon by way of chemical reaction.
Activated carbon has been proven good or effective in the adsorption of more than 200 chemicals and odors, including ozone, octane, formaldehyde, benzene, acetone, diesel fumes, nitroglycerine, organic chemicals, turpentine, toluene, sulfuric acid and smog.
One pound of activated carbon contains a surface area of approximately 100 acres.
Once it becomes saturated, activated carbon needs to be replaced. So, of course, the more carbon there is, the longer and more effective the air purifier will be.

4) Never buy an air purifier from a manufacturer that offers fewer than 100 different models or options

The fourth air purifier you should avoid is one that is too generic. If a company only makes a few models, then that is what they will try to sell you. 

But chances are, these air purifiers won&#;t address your needs perfectly. You need choices. You need a proper particle filter, a sizable carbon filter, the right kind of unit and the bells and whistles that provide cleaner air for you.
A person living in a hot and humid, flooding-prone area needs a very different air purifier than a person living in a city apartment with pets.
If you are uncertain about which air purifier, filters or options work best for you, call the company. They will ask the right questions to narrow down your choices and to meet your needs.
AllerAir, for example, offers more than 500 different units, but that doesn&#;t have to scare you off. The units are divided into series to make selection easier and there are guides you can consult. Still, calling the AllerAir team to discuss your options may still be your best bet.
For the right kind of air purifier, you should consider the size of the area, the type and severity of indoor air pollution, your preference in terms of free-standing or HVAC-attached air purifiers, your sensitivities (if applicable), budget and design.

5) Never Buy an Air Purifier that is Not Proven 

The fifth air purifier you should never buy is one that hasn&#;t been proven to work. Ask the manufacturer or dealer for proof, read reviews, get informed. This should be just part of your normal research. An air purifier is an investment and it should last a long time, so you want to choose one that can produce results, won&#;t be too noisy, features a look you can live with and that doesn&#;t need replacement filters all the time.
Proof means lab tests that were done to show a unit&#;s efficiency. In AllerAir&#;s case, for example, the

What Should You Buy?

Choosing the right air purifier is an important decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The more choice you have, the better.
It also a good idea to look for a company that backs its units with an iron-clad guarantee and a good warranty.
Arm yourself with information and talk to the companies to figure out which way to go.
Good luck, and breathe easy.

The fifth air purifier you should never buy is one that hasn&#;t been proven to work. Ask the manufacturer or dealer for proof, read reviews, get informed. This should be just part of your normal research. An air purifier is an investment and it should last a long time, so you want to choose one that can produce results, won&#;t be too noisy, features a look you can live with and that doesn&#;t need replacement filters all the time.Proof means lab tests that were done to show a unit&#;s efficiency. In AllerAir&#;s case, for example, the AirMedic Pro 5 series was shown to remove toxic chemicals formaldehyde and benzene by more than 90 percent within 6 hours. On the low setting.Choosing the right air purifier is an important decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The more choice you have, the better.It also a good idea to look for a company that backs its units with an iron-clad guarantee and a good warranty.Arm yourself with information and talk to the companies to figure out which way to go.Good luck, and breathe easy.

Alen Air Purifiers and Filters Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Many people wonder how &#;and if&#; air purifiers work. We get this question a lot, and nothing makes us happier than hearing our customers say how air purifiers have greatly improved their lives. For many, it takes less than 48 hours to see a reduction in dust, relief from allergy symptoms and improved sleep. Others are shocked when they see their air purifier filters loaded with microscopic particles they didn't know they were breathing.

We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help guide you through the process of purchasing your new Alen Air Purifier as well as some best practices for using our air purifiers:


Why should I care about my indoor air quality?

So why isn't indoor air pollution a topic people know more about?

When we think of significant air quality hazards, it is outdoor pollution that comes to mind. Having clean air to breathe seems more like a generalized environmental concern. As long as we avoid excessive amounts of smoke and have the inner sanctums of our homes to take refuge, most people likely view air quality as an issue that applies to the outdoors. Unfortunately, that is not the case. With an abundance of indoor air pollutants that can plague our health, education is key.

How does Alen Corp help consumers navigate and overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution?

Our mission at Alen Corp is to help people "Live Better" &#; we are committed to educating the public so they can make healthier choices, as well as providing superior solutions for this crucial need. At Alen Corp, we strongly believe that education about the concerns of indoor air quality will empower everyone to make well-informed decisions about the health and well-being of their family.

How does something as essential and seemingly free-flowing as air become such a prevalent hazard in our homes?

One major factor that contributes to indoor air pollution is a lack of adequate ventilation. First and foremost, homes are built to be energy efficient, and that means sealing it up tight so ambient energy doesn't escape and hike up your utility bills. However, what is good for your finances is actually working against you when it comes to your lung and heart health.

To help improve air circulation, consider using an air purifier such as the Alen BreatheSmart 75i True HEPA &#; which cleans 1,300 square feet every 30 minutes.


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"What harm can a little dust do?"

The truth is that even though these various imperceptible particles are undetectable to the human eye and other senses, your lungs and heart are in jeopardy. Airborne particles (also known as Particulate Matter) are a mixture of microscopic solids and liquid droplets suspended in the air. Made up of a variety of particle pollution elements, this mixture can include dust, chemical fumes, gases, smoke and biological contaminants such as skin flakes, mold, dust mite and roach excrement, pollen, animal dander and various other sources. 

When inhaled, they pose a serious danger relating to the development or worsening of lung disease and can compromise your cardiovascular health. Allergy and asthma sufferers are particularly at risk, as well children and the elderly. Alen Air Purifiers are a simple solution to significantly reducing these very alarming health hazards.

To help determine which air purifier is right for your top concerns, consult our Digital Assistant or view our buying guide. If you want a multi-purpose purifier to address several needs, consider the Alen BreatheSmart Classic HEPA &#; which helps with common issues including allergies, asthma, dust, and more.

How does my indoor air quality relate to the local outdoor air quality in my area?

We tend to think we are safe from the dangers of air pollution when in the sanctity of our own homes. However, this is not the case. In fact indoor air is on average 2 to 5x more polluted than outdoor air, the two are closely related. 

Outdoor air does travel inside at certain times, and local allergens as well as auto emissions or smog will also make their way into your home and become trapped. Increasing ventilation and air circulation with clean purified air is recommended by the EPA, and can be achieved with the regular use of Alen Air Purifiers. Alen air purifiers are designed to help improve circulation in specific rooms including the office, bedroom, living room, or even apartments.


What should I look for in an air purifier?

What are the current air purifier technologies that are available?

  • RECOMMENDED - HEPA Air Purifier: High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air purifiers utilize the most effective filter technology on the market. Only HEPA air purifiers can remove a significant amount of allergens and pollutants from the air&#;up to 99% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in size.

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  • NOT RECOMMENDED &#; Electrostatic Air Purifier: An electrostatic air purifier does not use a filter, but rather an internal filtration system, which attracts charged particles. This internal filtration system has to be cleaned regularly, and over time becomes less efficient.

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  • NOT RECOMMENDED &#; Ionic Ozone Air Purifier: An ionizer charges particles in the air, making it easier for filters and cleaners to trap and can be effective when used in combination with a HEPA style filter. However, when used alone, it is less effective and can produce harmful levels of ozone in the process.

    Learn More >

Have additional questions or need more advice for choosing an air purifier? Check out our buying guide or compare our filters.

Of all the air purifier options available, what is the most effective air purifier technology?

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are proven to be the most effective air purifying technology available today. HEPA air filters were actually designed by the U.S. Military in the s, and are recommended by the U.S. Department of Defense as a must-have item for the safety of your household, to be used as protection from possible airborne toxins. All Alen Air Purifiers utilize HEPA style air filters.

Various other air purification technologies are available, and Alen Corp recommends using these as secondary technologies to complement our powerful HEPA air filters. Used alone, the other air purification technologies are not believed to be potent enough to be an effective, stand-alone solution.

How do I select the best air purifier for my lifestyle and my specific needs?

Many Alen Air Purifiers offer air filter upgrades&#;&#;by choosing an upgraded air filter you can get a truly customized air purifier that is tailored to your unique needs. When shopping for an air purifier, you should first consider what kind of indoor air pollutants you are trying to eliminate. For instance&#;whether you want to remove allergens, odors, chemicals, smoke&#;we offer different filter technologies to address the specific needs of your home.
Shop Alen Air Purifiers by Concern >

Once you have pinpointed the specific air quality concerns I have, what other factors should I evaluate in order to select the right air purifier for my home?

  • Room sizes (measured in square footage) should be compared with listed coverage areas
    Compare Alen Air Purifiers >
  • Air exchanges per hour&#; How often all the air is completely replaced in the room
  • Filter replacement frequency and costs
  • Ease of getting replacement filters (Learn about our Filter Subscription Plan for added convenience and costs savings, including FREE Shipping)
  • Availability of upgraded filter options to address specific concerns&#; heavy odors, smoke
  • Noise levels of the air purifier on different fan speeds
  • Whether the unit produces ozone, a lung irritant and health concern
  • Extra features, such as a filter-change indicator or other sensors
  • What type of warranty the manufacturer provides for their air purifiers&#; (Get info about Alen's Forever Guarantee)
  • Return Policy&#; (Learn more about Alen's 60 Days Love It, Or Return It Promise)
  • Availability of trained Air Quality Specialists to answer your specific questions and help with the decision process (Call 1-800-630- to speak with a trained Alen Air Quality Specialist to help you choose the right unit for your needs)

For more information on what to consider when purchasing an air purifier, check out our in-depth buying guide or consult our Digital Assistant to get a personalized air purifier recommendation based on your needs.

Where can I find air purifier reviews that will help me select the best air purifier?

As always, we encourage visitors to view the myriad of enthusiastic customer reviews that we receive for Alen Air Purifiers, praising how well our products work and our superior customer service. View customer reviews at the bottom of each product page.

Why is it important to find a company that specializes in air purifiers?

Unfortunately the air purifier marketplace is saturated with misinformation&#;filled with false claims and over-hyped products that have little to no effect on the overall health of our indoor air. Gathering information from unreliable sources can really undermine your efforts to improve your indoor air quality. That is precisely why it is important to find well-respected sources of information that you can trust.

Which air purifier can address my specific concerns?

Someone in my household has a pet allergy. How can air purifiers help, and are they an effective solution?

Someone in my household has a pet allergy. How can air purifiers help, and are they an effective solution?
Yes. Pet allergies such as dog allergies and cat allergies are a frequent problem. Pet allergies are caused by the tiny allergens found in their saliva and dander (dead skin) which becomes airborne when pets clean themselves or shed. Air purifiers can help remove these microscopic particles from the air you breathe, which commonly trigger allergic reactions and asthma. (Shop Air Purifiers for Pet Allergies)
Shop Air Purifiers for Pet Allergies >

I think that I may have a dust allergy. How can Alen Air Purifiers help?

The only way to know for sure about your particular set of allergies is to visit a licensed dermatologist and get an allergy skin test. However, at any given time, there are an abundance of common allergy particles in your indoor air (including dust and dust mite excrement), and Alen Corp offers a solution to this troubling problem. Our HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) style filters&#;found in all Alen Air Purifiers&#;are proven to remove common allergens from the air inside your home.
Shop Air Purifiers for Dust >

I am extremely allergic to mold. Which Alen Air Purifier can help with my mold allergy?

Mold has been associated with a variety of adverse health effects such as wheezing, prolonged coughing, fatigue and headaches. As mold grows on surfaces, it releases airborne allergens and sometimes toxic substances&#;which may trigger asthma or allergy attacks. Alen Air Purifiers capture airborne mold spores and can help relieve mold allergies.
Shop Air Purifiers for Mold >

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) sound extremely hazardous. What exactly are VOCs?

The EPA describes Volatile Organic Compounds as chemicals that evaporate at room temperature which are emitted by a wide array of products used in homes&#;&#;including paints and lacquers, paint strippers, varnishes, cleaning supplies, air fresheners, pesticides, building materials and even furnishings. VOCs are released from products into the home both during use and while stored. According to the EPA, VOCs cause eye, nose and throat irritation, frequent headaches, nausea, and can also damage the liver, kidney and central nervous system.

Can Alen Corp's air purifiers and filters help rid my home of VOCs?

Many of Alen Corp's air filters include a layer of Activated Carbon. This layer is covered with microscopic cracks and holes that are designed to trap and remove airborne odors, gases and chemicals from cleaning products, personal care items, smoke, cooking odors, spoiled food and more. If your environment contains higher levels of VOCs, view our recommended air purifier for chemicals and vocs.


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How do I use my new air purifier to get the greatest benefit?

Which room should I use my air purifier in?

If you only own one air purifier, the ideal place to put the unit is in your bedroom. This is the room in your home where you spend the most time out of each day. An air purifier in the bedroom can contribute to a better night's sleep by reducing allergy symptoms that make a good night's sleep difficult. In addition, the white and pink noise produced by an air purifier can help you sleep more soundly.

Where should I place my air purifier?

For all air purifiers, you will want to be sure to not block the air entrance and exit vents. Try to keep your unit at least 1 foot away from walls, and furniture. This will allow air to circulate properly around the room and into the air purifier.

For Tower units, directing the air out into the room is best. Do not direct the clean air at a wall or furniture or this can interrupt the airflow in the room. For box units that direct air upwards, do not place them under a table, or a shelf, which can block the airflow. Allowing the airflow to blow to the ceiling is best, as it will circulate along the ceiling and around the room, bringing dirty air back towards the unit.

When should I run my air purifier?

We recommend that you run your air purifier 24 hours a day. However, if this is not practical for your situation there are proper ways to use your air purifier to maximize its performance.

When placing an air purifier in a room for the first time, it is best to turn the unit up to the highest speed for 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the room size. A unit rated for 750 square feet can reduce the airborne particles by 95% in less than 60 minutes in a room of 375 square feet. For a room rated at the maximum coverage area of the unit, such as 750 square foot room, you must let the unit run for twice as long to clean the air.

Once you have run the unit on high and cleaned the air in the room, do not turn it off or the air will quickly return to pre-cleaned levels in as little as 3-4 hours. Instead, you should turn the unit down to speed 2 or 3. This will be high enough to maintain clean air in the room. If you do turn the unit off, then the next time you turn it on, you should follow the same step as if you placed the unit in a new room: turning to the highest speed for at least an hour.

Why should I run it 24/7?

Although an air purifier may clean a room up to 95% in only an hour, it can only keep the room clean while it is running. In a home with a HVAC system circulating air, the air coming out of your vents will be significantly dirtier than the air in the room with the air purifier. Most HVAC systems in homes or offices have never had their air ducts cleaned. The filters in these systems are not meant to purify the air for you to breathe, but only to remove the largest of dust particles to protect the mechanical operation of the HVAC system. Over time, the HVAC system accumulates dust particles in the vents and ducts. When it turns on, it will be circulating this dust throughout your house.

What speed should I run it on?

The speed you use should correspond to the room size that you have placed the unit in. If you get a unit rated up to 750 square feet, this means 750 square feet of coverage on the highest speed. Using it on a lower speed will take longer to clean the room.

What if I have other questions?

If you have other questions, please first check the product manual or our best practices guide. If your questions are still not answered, feel free to give our customer service team a call at 1-800-630-.


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