Shelf life is an established time under a defined set of conditions during which a product is acceptable for use. The three largest variables affecting shelf life are: product characteristics, packaging materials and storage conditions. The table below shows typical shelf life guidelines for dry dairy ingredients in bulk or bag packaging under ideal storage and shipping conditions (maximum temperatures of 25˚C with a maximum relative humidity of 65%). In general, though, dairy ingredients manufactured, packaged and stored under ideal conditions can remain free flowing and without color change for periods longer than stated in these guidelines.
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Typical Shelf Life Guidelines for Dairy Ingredients
Stored at 25˚C Maximum and 65% Relative Humidity Maximum
Dairy Ingredient
Shelf Life
12 Months
Skim Milk Powder (SMP)
12-18 Months
Dry Sweet Whey (DSW)
6-12 Months
Whey Protein Concentrate 34% (WPC34)
12 Months
Whey Protein Concentrate 80% (WPC80)
12 Months
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)
12 Months
The information below is designed to help you select the right dairy ingredient for your application and maximize product quality prior to use:
Guide to Maximizing Shelf Life
Storage & Handling
Product specific information is available directly from the supplier and may vary depending upon product type, packaging material and processing conditions. U.S. dairy ingredient suppliers are an excellent resource for information related to product formulations and selecting the right ingredient for a specific application. Many suppliers have trained research and development (R&D) experts available to assist customers as needed. Click here to locate a U.S. supplier.
Packaging Guidelines for Dairy Products
Dairy ingredients must be packaged properly to preserve flavor and physical characteristics. The best packaging for dairy products will minimize air and moisture entry into the product.
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Several types of packaging are approved for dairy powders. The more durable and most frequently used type is a multi-wall Kraft paper bag with an inner low density polyethylene (LDPE) bag liner, both of which are heat sealed. This type of bag construction is referred to as a "bag within a bag". Packaging differs in the thickness and number of layers of Kraft paper and the thickness and material of the bag liner. The combination of a 3-4 ply multi-wall Kraft paper bag and 3-4 mil thickness LDPE bag liner offers good protection during storage and handling. The LDPE bag liners have vents to allow air to escape from the bag. This prevents rupture during handling and storage. There are different technologies available to reduce the amount of air and moisture getting into the dry dairy product through these vents; the technology varies by bag manufacturer.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) specifies bag construction for nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder for use in food assistance programs in their publication, Announcement Dairy 6. The packaging is to be the equivalent of a 3-ply Kraft paper with a total basis weight of 81.6 kg (180 lbs) and a LDPE inner liner thickness of at least 3 mil. The maximum water-vapor transmission of the film at 90 - 95 percent relative humidity at a temperature of 37.8°C shall be 0.45 g per 645 square cm in 24 hours.
Quality Changes During Storage
Ideal storage conditions for dry dairy products are temperatures below 25°C with a relative humidity below 65%. The greatest loss of product quality during storage is often the result of moisture uptake by the powder which may result in chemical, physical and bacteriological changes. The lactose in dairy ingredients is hygroscopic and readily takes up water. Packaging that is more robust and water-resistant can help extend shelf life, especially in more extreme environments. If you have any questions regarding the quality and/or acceptability of a particular product please contact your supplier.
Click any of the areas listed below for more information on quality changes during the storage of dairy ingredients.
Powder Structure
Browning occurs when lactose and protein interact at elevated storage temperatures (i.e. above 35°C) through a complex series of reactions called the Maillard reaction. For some products, such as baked goods, the color and flavor changes associated with browning are highly desirable. In other situations the Maillard reaction may lead to a loss of quality during storage. Variables that influence the Maillard reaction include: raw material composition, method of manufacture, processing and storage temperatures, pH, water activity, oxygen and the presence of lactose and other sugars. The following are potential effects of the Maillard reaction: color changes, flavor changes, changes in water activity, pH decrease, increased antioxidant activity, reduced solubility and loss of lysine.
Increased temperatures will increase the Maillard reaction with fluctuating temperatures causing greater browning than constant temperatures. Decreases in pH may also increase browning, although this effect depends on the water activity (Aw) of the powder. Another factor affecting browning is the ratio of lactose to protein in the product. In general, the higher the lactose content, the faster the Maillard reaction. Reaction rates for DSW, WPC34 and SMP tend to be higher than for whey protein concentrates with 60% or more protein.
This is typically caused when the lactose component in a dry dairy ingredient begins to absorb moisture. Ingredients with higher lactose content will be affected more than those with lower lactose levels.
Dry dairy products are known for having a neutral, mild dairy flavor. Storage at high temperatures and high relative humidity may increase the potential development of off-flavors. In many cases, significant changes in product flow and solubility will occur before any changes in flavor and aroma become evident. Flavor changes develop more quickly in agglomerated or "instant" ingredients.
The solubility, foaming and emulsification properties of dairy ingredients are fairly stable during storage. Changes in solubility may occur and are most often related to color changes, such as browning.
This is typically caused when a dry dairy product has been exposed to high storage temperatures and high storage relative humidity (>85%) for an extended period of time. The amount of time before hardening occurs will vary depending on the specific storage conditions, product type and packaging.
Storage at higher temperatures may reduce the amount of the amino acid lysine in the product. Exposure to moisture may increase the amount of loss.
Powder Structure
Powders with higher lactose levels can have the following undesirable changes during storage: stickiness and caking, lactose crystallization, lipid release from powder particles, increased browning; and lipid oxidation. If dry whey ingredients become caked they can be ground with the resulting powder remaining free flowing unless exposed to high humidity.
Using metal cans in milk powder packaging is a common sight in stores across the globe. There are reasons for using cans in packaging milk powder. For instance, cans are readily available in different sizes, which makes it easy for retailers. Metal cans have other vital benefits for packaging. They are durable, strong, and prevent moisture and oxygen from getting to the milk. Metal cans are popularly made of tin, although the tin is just a coating on steel most of the time.
The coating is necessary since steel is prone to corrosion which will contaminate the milk powder.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Milk powder packing machine.
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