VT Lighting, distance and angle criteria

Author: Benjamin

Dec. 16, 2024




VT Lighting, distance and angle criteria

I am posting to see if there is some place in AWS D1.1: where it states what the lighting conditions have to be, distance from the object and angle of the eye has to be. There reason I am asking is that I was asked to do a comparison between AWS D1.1: and EN 970: for a customer and I swore I ran across the distance and lighting somewhere in AWS D1.1: and cannot find it in . Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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02-15- 16:31

02-15- 16:31

Not positive, but it sounds like you may be confusing this with ASNT SNT-TC-1a VT examinations.  I just looked in D1.1 and didn't find what you're asking about but I do know for a fact those things are included in SNT-TC-1a.




02-15- 18:42

02-15- 18:42

For MT and PT I believe there are lighting requirements listed in ASTM E709 and ASTM E165.....
Don't remember anything about the angle of viewing being specified though....

For MT and PT I believe there are lighting requirements listed in ASTM E709 and ASTM E165.....Don't remember anything about the angle of viewing being specified though....




02-15- 18:50

02-15- 18:50

Angle of view and lighting requirements are specified within SNT-TC-1a for visual examinations.




02-16- 00:52

02-16- 00:52

I have not found (in AWS Standards) requirements about ligthing conditions, viewing angle or distance from the eye to object, but I think than the following information could be useful for you:

1. Section IX (ASME BPVC) Article 9 -Visual Examination, in T-952 states: "Direct visual examination may usually be made when access is sufficient to place the eye within 24 in. (610 mm) of the surface to be examined and at a angle not less than 30 deg. to the surface to be examined... The minimum light intensity at the examination surface/site shall be 100 footcandles ( lx)..."
2. In Visual and Optical Testing (NDT) the common requirements/recommendation are: A minimum intensity of 160 lx (15 ftc) of ilumination should be used for general visual testing. A minimum of 500 lx (50 ftc) should be used for critical or finely detailed tests.
3. Accordigng the Illuminating Engineering Society, visual testing requires ligth at 1,100 to 3,200 lx (100 to 300 ftc) for critical work.
4. The eye should be brougth close of the tests object, however, a direct visual test should be performed at a distance of 10 to 24 in.  The most recommended distance is from 10 to 12 in.

Hector Garcia




02-16- 02:41

02-16- 02:41

Thank you hector, that is the correct answer.
Best regards,



02-16- 02:53

02-16- 02:53

You can also review the requirements for visual examinations in ASME B&PV Code Section V, Article 9 (I think) for some guidelines for VT.

I do not believe AWS D1.1 provides such guideance.

Best regards - Al




02-16- 12:54

02-16- 12:54

I think the reference to Section IX (ASME BPVC) Article 9 -Visual Examination, T-952 was intended to reference Section V instead.  No such reference in IX.




02-16- 17:22

02-16- 17:22


You are correct in that it came from ASME 5 Art 9 T952 "Direct Visual Examination. T953 is Remote and T954 is Translucent.




02-16- 02:52

02-16- 02:52

I don't recall that information in D1.1 either.  I know ASME references it as we updated our QA Manual several years ago to reflect it.  Hector pointed out the reference in Section IX and I suspect there is a reference to this in Section V as we have an essential variable/nonessential variable chart like Section V uses for the other NDT methods in our manual.  Since I am at home, I can't come up with the exact working from the Code, but the wording in our manual which addresses this issue is as follows:

Applications - Direct Visual - Direct visual examination may be made when access is sufficient to place the eye within 24 in. of the surface to be examined and at an angle of not less than 30 degrees to the surface to be examined.  Illumination (natural or supplemental white light) for the specific part, component, vessel or section thereof being examined is required.  The minimum light intensity at the examination surface shall be 100 footcandles.  The light source, technique used, and light level verification is required to be demonstrated one time, documented, and maintained on file.


EDIT - I missed the 30° from hectors post ... sorry for the double information.




03-13- 14:22

03-13- 14:22

Well then I think the consensus is that I just found a gaping hole in AWS D1.1:.  They call out what to look for, but no criteria on the actual examination.  In my professional opinion I think AWS should put in criteria for the examination or at a minimum steer you to ASNT or an ASTM Standard as they do with MT and PT.




03-13- 14:45

03-13- 14:45

Maybe, maybe not.  If one is a CWI (not required by D1.1) then once every three years an eye exam is required.  Are you specifically discussing lighting and angular requirements?  Personally, while I wouldn't disagree with you, I'm not sure D1.1 is the document where this criteria belongs.  Just my own opinion.




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05-23- 16:17

05-23- 16:17

I'm just saying that it is a little frustrating when the customer calls out AWS D1.1 and the code doesn't cover this.  In my opinion it should at least steer you to a recommended standard otherwise like you have seen here it is left up to interpretation.




05-23- 16:29

05-23- 16:29

D1.1 is a constructing and fabricating code, not an inspection standard, this may be one reason for your concern.  Naturally, acceptance criteria is provided but where no reference is made for the "how to" approach of visual examination, it is left to the employer's written practice.  I continue to maintain that D1.1 is not deficient in this regard.




05-24- 13:11

05-24- 13:11

As per ASME & API Code & Standard, Visual Inspection shall be done by CAWI,CWI or SNT-TC-1A or equivalent or Knowledgeable & Trained personnel may be used to perform Visual.
Condition of Examination:
1.Surface to be examined shall be illuminated with natural or artificial lightning coditions which obtain a minimum intensity light of 100foot candles or lux
2.Maximum of 24 inches from the eye to the test specimen at an angle not less than 30degrees.

As per AWS Standard, I think it is not stated about the intensity light, distance & Angle.

Understanding Visual Inspection and Visibly Clean ...

Visual inspection is one of the most critical steps in any quality control process. Though it may seem simple on the surface, proper visual inspection takes training, the right equipment, and diligent adherence to procedures.

When done correctly, visual inspection allows manufacturers to catch contaminants, defects, and abnormalities before products leave the facility. For industries like aerospace and medical devices where safety is paramount, thoroughly inspecting products for even tiny flaws can mean the difference between life and death.

This article will explore the key factors in effective visual inspection, including proper lighting, use of magnification, and techniques to ensure inspectors do not miss any details.

We will also cover equipment like borescopes that allow inspectors to see hard-to-reach areas. Whether you are new to quality control or looking to improve your existing inspection processes, this guide will help you understand why visual inspection should never be an afterthought. By investing the necessary resources in inspection training, tools, and processes, your company can feel confident that only the highest quality products will make it to your customers' hands.

Key take-aways:

  1. Proper lighting is essential - Inspection stations should have adequate light intensity measured in lux or foot-candles to properly illuminate surfaces.
  2. Leverage multiple techniques - Direct white light, UV lighting, borescopes etc. each detect different contaminants. Using multiple techniques is most effective.
  3. Verify UV lighting - Wavelength and intensity of UV bulbs must be validated with a meter to ensure illumination of contaminants.
  4. Inspect everything thoroughly - No surface should be overlooked. Inspect inside tubes, under gaskets, from all angles.
  5. Inspect at every process stage - Don't just inspect finished products. Also inspect during receiving, in-process, and packaging stages.

Proper Lighting is Key

Visual inspection is only effective if inspectors can actually see any defects, debris, or anomalies present. That's why proper lighting is one of the most important elements of visual inspection. Lighting that is too dim, inconsistent, or angled incorrectly can easily hide flaws that would be obvious under ideal conditions.

When setting up inspection stations, light intensity standards should be followed, usually measured in units like lumens, lux, or foot-candles. For example, direct white light inspections often require a minimum of 100 foot-candles of brightness on the inspection surface. Proper lighting equipment like floodlights or machine vision cameras should be selected to meet these light level requirements.

Light meters are vital for verifying that lighting is adequate for the type of inspection being conducted.

A calibrated light meter can measure light levels on inspection surfaces in lux or foot-candles, allowing adjustments to be made if light intensity is insufficient. Some advanced light meters also have sensors specifically tuned for UV light ranges, ensuring UV inspection lighting is enabled at the required wavelengths.

By understanding illumination standards and investing in the right lighting tools, inspectors can maximize their ability to see any defects that may lurk beneath the surface. Skimping on lighting usually leads to lower quality and more rejects down the line.

Types of Visual Inspections

There are a few main methods used for visual inspection, each suited for detecting different types of contaminants or defects.

Direct white light inspection is likely the most common. With adequate overhead lighting, inspectors can identify particulates, debris, surface flaws, and other irregularities. Direct light also allows oils and greases to be seen, which may be spread out or cause light to reflect differently.

Ultraviolet or "black light" inspections take advantage of the fact that most hydrocarbons and organic oils will fluoresce under UV light. A dark inspection booth is illuminated with UV lamps tuned to specific wavelengths, usually - angstroms. Contaminants then become visible under the UV light when they would otherwise appear clean under white light.

Inspection aids like borescopes with built-in lighting and mirrors allow inspectors to see inside tubes, pipes, cylinders, and other difficult to reach areas. A good borescope should have adjustable intensity LED lights and magnification capabilities. Other aids like swabs, traps, and filters can also assist with contamination detection.

Leveraging multiple inspection techniques maximizes the chances of finding defects or foreign objects. While direct white light inspection remains the standard, uv lighting and borescopes allow inspectors to go deeper beneath the surface.

UV Light Verification

UV light used for inspections must be within specific angstrom ranges to properly illuminate contaminants. Most commonly, UV inspection lighting should have wavelengths between - angstroms. Within this range, organic oils and hydrocarbons will readily fluoresce.

Proper UV intensity is just as important as the right wavelength. UV bulb emission intensity diminishes over time, so bulbs should be replaced per the manufacturer's recommendations. Prior to UV inspections, bulb intensity should be verified with a UV meter placed at the required inspection distance, often 24 inches. Readings should be at least 800 microwatts per square centimeter.

By taking these steps to validate both wavelength and intensity, inspectors can trust that any illumination of contaminants under UV light is a legitimate finding. Leaving UV lighting unverified could lead to false results during inspection and defective products being passed. Consistently monitoring UV bulbs and replacing them on schedule is a small investment to make for more effective contamination detection.

Thorough Inspection Techniques

Even with proper lighting and equipment, visual inspections are only effective if inspection procedures are thorough and meticulous. Inspectors must take the time to closely examine every surface, angle, and hidden area to find contaminants that could tarnish quality.

For example, inspectors should peer inside pipes and tubes with a flashlight to catch internal defects. Parts like gaskets and seals should be removed for inspection underneath. Reflective surfaces may need to be examined from multiple angles. Areas deep within assemblies may need a borescope to access. No potential flaw site should be left un-inspected.

Equally important is inspecting at every stage of the process, not just the end. Visual inspection should take place upon receiving raw materials or components before processing starts. In-process inspections then allow contaminant introduction to be identified and addressed immediately. Final inspection ensures no defects remain prior to shipment.

By instilling a detailed inspection discipline at all levels of manufacturing, problems can be prevented from snowballing into much larger issues. Thorough inspection practices are challenging to maintain, but pay dividends in overall quality and efficiency.

Challenges in Visual Inspections and Overcoming Them

While vital, visual assessments can encounter roadblocks that conceal slip-ups. Let's address common obstacles and spotlight solutions:

Component Complexity

Intricate, multi-layered geometries shroud particulates from inspector scrutiny. Tiny crevices could still degrade integrity over time.

  • Borescope examinations expose hard-to-reach contamination. Endoscopes also illuminate the tightest crannies.

Subpar Lighting

Inadequate brightness permits films and debris to escape detection and rectification before cascading into problems.

  • Standardized adjustable lighting matched with directional spotlights guarantees consistent seven-point discernment.


When contaminants blend into the material backdrop, they spoof even seasoned eyes.

  • Continuous inspector contamination response training updates detection competency across old and new threats.

Human Error

Despite best efforts, visual benchmarks rely considerably on split-second human judgment under the microscope.

  • Automated inspection systems double-check consistency while rigorous quality control protocols spotlight outlier oversights.
  • Inspection finesse demands recognizing inevitable yet surmountable pitfalls across lighting, identification, access, and oversight. 

Blending discerning talent with borescopes, reference guides, and technology safety nets drives contamination detection closer to the realm of precision science versus unpredictable art - crucial when lives depend on split-second auditor accuracy!

Visibly Clean Levels IAW STP (Boeing)

When performing visual inspection in aerospace manufacturing, many companies reference STP published by Boeing to define "Visibly Clean" standards. This document lays out observable cleanliness levels based on inspection distance and minimum light intensity.

For example, a common standard for exposed surfaces is Visible Clean 3. This states that surfaces must be free of visible oils, fluids, greases or other foreign matter when inspected from a distance of 3 feet with a light intensity of 100 foot-candles striking the surface at a 45° angle.

Other standards may specify VC-1, meaning a cleanliness level suitable for inspection from 1 foot away with the same 100 foot-candles of direct 45° angled light. More stringent cleanliness levels like VC-6 inches are defined for surfaces that must be examined from just 6 inches distance.

By following these established criteria, aerospace manufacturers can ensure visual inspection is consistent across facilities. Proper illumination and diligent inspection per the Visibly Clean levels in STP promotes detection of any remaining contaminants. This allows quality and safety defects to be reliably identified and corrected.


Visual inspection remains one of the most vital elements of any quality program. When done consistently using the proper lighting, equipment, and techniques, inspectors can catch flaws and contaminants that would jeopardize the form, fit, and function of products. The safety of end-users often depends on items being free of defects.

While visual inspection may seem tedious at times, the consequences of letting problems slip by are far reaching. Investing in developing skilled inspectors, providing the right tools, and clearly defining procedures are critical steps every company should take. Quality and safety ultimately come down to everyone in the organization understanding the gravity of thorough, diligent inspection.

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