
Author: Shirley

Sep. 30, 2024






Veins are dilated fractures filled with oriented crystal fibers or non-oriented mineral deposits (typically quartz, calcite or carbonates). Veins occur in rocks of all types and metamorphic grades with thickness from less than a millimeter to several meters. Their morphology, petrology and chemistry are a valuable source of information in a range of geological disciplines. The association of many ore deposits (particularly gold) with veins makes them even more relevant to geology.

The development of veins (Fig.1) is associated with the circulation of fluids in rocks, both for transport of material and for propagation and opening of the vein. The role of fluids in the formation and growth of veins is relatively complex. Fluid pressure may fluctuate in cycles of increasing pressure, leading to fracturing and vein opening, and subsequent falling pressure due to drainage during which mineral deposition commonly occurs. Some veins, however, show evidence of persistent high fluid pressure during mineral growth. Material deposited in a vein can be transported towards the dilatation site from outside in an open system along fracture networks, through the pore space, or along grain boundaries. This process is commonly referred to as advection and may cause changes in the chemical and isotope composition of a vein and its wall rock. Material deposited in veins can also be derived from the surrounding wall rock in a closed system, e.g. by dissolution and precipitation of quartz or calcite. In this case, material can be transported in a circulating fluid, or in a stationary fluid by diffusion.

Veins are dilated fractures filled with oriented crystal fibers or non-oriented mineral deposits (typically quartz, calcite or carbonates). Veins occur in rocks of all types and metamorphic grades with thickness from less than a millimeter to several meters. Their morphology, petrology and chemistry are a valuable source of information in a range of geological disciplines. The association of many ore deposits (particularly gold) with veins makes them even more relevant to geology.The development of veins () is associated with the circulation of fluids in rocks, both for transport of material and for propagation and opening of the vein. The role of fluids in the formation and growth of veins is relatively complex. Fluid pressure may fluctuate in cycles of increasing pressure, leading to fracturing and vein opening, and subsequent falling pressure due to drainage during which mineral deposition commonly occurs. Some veins, however, show evidence of persistent high fluid pressure during mineral growth. Material deposited in a vein can be transported towards the dilatation site from outside in an open system along fracture networks, through the pore space, or along grain boundaries. This process is commonly referred to asand may cause changes in the chemical and isotope composition of a vein and its wall rock. Material deposited in veins can also be derived from the surrounding wall rock in a closed system, e.g. by dissolution and precipitation of quartz or calcite. In this case, material can be transported in a circulating fluid, or in a stationary fluid by

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Fig.1: Vein orientation with respect to compression. Modified from Jean-Pierre Burg.

Crystals in veins

Many veins contain parallel oriented elongate crystals. This concerns naturally elongate minerals such as asbestos, actinolite or mica but more commonly minerals which do not normally have an elongate shape such as quartz, calcite, dolomite, feldspar, gypsum and. The elongate habit of minerals in such veins appears to be due to a special growth mechanism: Imagine a crack that forms in a crystalline aggregate of quartz or calcite. Immediately on opening, new crystalline material can be deposited on the existing crystals from solution in the fluid. If neighboring crystals grow at similar rates, the overgrowth obtains an elongate shape; crystals that grow slowly because they have an unsuitable crystallographic orientation will become thin and end while their neighbors make contact. A process of growth competition can lead to aggregates of few equidimensional grains, but if the growth competition is suppressed, many elongate grains will result.

Veins classification

The terminology for veins that is currently in use, is mostly derived from Ramsay & Huber () and Passchier & Trouw (). Terms for the description of veins can be grouped in three categories:

- macroscopic morphology.
- microscopic morphology.
- growth morphology.

1) Macroscopic morphology: terms relating to macroscopic morphology, i.e. the shape of veins, are the well-defined. Broadly speaking, we can divide veins in two categories:

a) Pressure fringes: are veins that form on the two low pressure sides of hard objects, usually ore minerals, but also other objects, such as crinoid stem.
b) General veins: with shapes that are not primarily defined by a relatively hard object, but by fractures or other factors.

2) Microscopic morphology: the microscopic morphology relates to the texture or the shape and arrangement of crystals inside a vein. We can distinguish four primary categories: 1. Blocky crystals; 2. Elongate blocky crystals; 3. Fibrous crystals; 4. Stretched crystals.

Blocky texture: A blocky texture is a texture in which grains are roughly equidimensional and randomly oriented.
Elongate blocky texture: Crystals in an elongate blocky texture (Fisher & Brantley ) are typically moderately elongate and the long axes of crystals are aligned.
Fibrous texture: In a fibrous texture, the rod-shaped grains can achieve a much higher length/width ratio than in elongate blocky textures. As in an elongate blocky texture, the grainsâ&#;&#; long axes are aligned.
Stretched crystals: the primary distinction between the previous textures and stretched crystals is that in stretched crystals, additional growth took place inside the grains (on the surfaces of the half grains), with the space for new-growth provided by (micro-) fractures that cut through the grains.

3) Growth morphology: relates to where the site(s) of progressive growth are located in the vein, which determines the direction of growth of the vein forming crystals. Three types of growth direction of vein crystals relative to wall rock are identified:

&#; Syntaxial (inward) growth: Fibers grow from the wall in optical continuity with mineral grains of the same composition in the host rock (Fig.2). Fibrous growth can occur into the widening void from both sides at the same rate; this process can be referred to as bitaxial growth. Fibers extending from opposite walls meet at a medial suture where there is both a structural and optical discontinuity. The medial plane is the fracture plane where fiber separation is continuously sealed by new material added to both sides of the medial suture during successive cracking. Syntaxial veins are commonly asymmetric, i.e. with an off-centered median line, and in extreme cases grow from one side of the vein only. Such unitaxial veins lack a median line (Fig.3) .

Many veins contain parallel oriented elongate crystals. This concerns naturally elongate minerals such as asbestos, actinolite or mica but more commonly minerals which do not normally have an elongate shape such as quartz, calcite, dolomite, feldspar, gypsum and. The elongate habit of minerals in such veins appears to be due to a special growth mechanism: Imagine a crack that forms in a crystalline aggregate of quartz or calcite. Immediately on opening, new crystalline material can be deposited on the existing crystals from solution in the fluid. If neighboring crystals grow at similar rates, the overgrowth obtains an elongate shape; crystals that grow slowly because they have an unsuitable crystallographic orientation will become thin and end while their neighbors make contact. A process of growth competition can lead to aggregates of few equidimensional grains, but if the growth competition is suppressed, many elongate grains will result.The terminology for veins that is currently in use, is mostly derived from Ramsay & Huber () and Passchier & Trouw (). Terms for the description of veins can be grouped in three categories:- macroscopic morphology.- microscopic morphology.- growth morphology.terms relating to macroscopic morphology, i.e. the shape of veins, are the well-defined. Broadly speaking, we can divide veins in two categories:are veins that form on the two low pressure sides of hard objects, usually ore minerals, but also other objects, such as crinoid stem.with shapes that are not primarily defined by a relatively hard object, but by fractures or other factors.the microscopic morphology relates to the texture or the shape and arrangement of crystals inside a vein. We can distinguish four primary categories: 1. Blocky crystals; 2. Elongate blocky crystals; 3. Fibrous crystals; 4. Stretched crystals.A blocky texture is a texture in which grains are roughly equidimensional and randomly oriented.Crystals in an elongate blocky texture (Fisher & Brantley ) are typically moderately elongate and the long axes of crystals are aligned.In a fibrous texture, the rod-shaped grains can achieve a much higher length/width ratio than in elongate blocky textures. As in an elongate blocky texture, the grainsâ&#;&#; long axes are aligned.the primary distinction between the previous textures and stretched crystals is that in stretched crystals, additional growth took place inside the grains (on the surfaces of the half grains), with the space for new-growth provided by (micro-) fractures that cut through the grains.relates to where the site(s) of progressive growth are located in the vein, which determines the direction of growth of the vein forming crystals. Three types of growth direction of vein crystals relative to wall rock are identified:: Fibers grow from the wall in optical continuity with mineral grains of the same composition in the host rock (). Fibrous growth can occur into the widening void from both sides at the same rate; this process can be referred to as bitaxial growth. Fibers extending from opposite walls meet at a medial suture where there is both a structural and optical discontinuity. The medial plane is the fracture plane where fiber separation is continuously sealed by new material added to both sides of the medial suture during successive cracking. Syntaxial veins are commonly asymmetric, i.e. with an off-centered median line, and in extreme cases grow from one side of the vein only. Suchlack a median line () .

Fig.2: Development of Syntaxial vein. A change in the relative motion of the wall rocks (arrows) can cause curvature of the growing fibres in the veins. Modified from Passchier ().

Fig.3: Development of Unitaxial vein. A change in the relative motion of the wall rocks (arrows) can cause curvature of the growing fibres in the veins. Modified from Passchier ().

&#; Antitaxial (outward) growth: Some veins are filled by growth of a mineral that is not the main constituent of the wall rock, e.g. a calcite vein in quartzite. In such cases, the growth usually occurs along the contact of elongate grains or fibres and the wall rock, i.e. on both sides of the material in the vein. A weak median line defined by small equidimensional grains or fragments of the wall rock is normally present in the center of the fibrous aggregate, indicating the initial nucleation site of the vein filling. This type of growth towards the wall rock is termed antitaxial growth, and the veins are called antitaxial veins (Fig.4). Material in antitaxial veins commonly consists of fibres rather than elongate crystals, and veins are commonly symmetric. Single fibres in antitaxial veins can be continuous over the median line, in contrast to elongate grains or fibres in syntaxial veins.

: Some veins are filled by growth of a mineral that is not the main constituent of the wall rock, e.g. a calcite vein in quartzite. In such cases, the growth usually occurs along the contact of elongate grains or fibres and the wall rock, i.e. on both sides of the material in the vein. A weak median line defined by small equidimensional grains or fragments of the wall rock is normally present in the center of the fibrous aggregate, indicating the initial nucleation site of the vein filling. This type of growth towards the wall rock is termed antitaxial growth, and the veins are called antitaxial veins (). Material in antitaxial veins commonly consists of fibres rather than elongate crystals, and veins are commonly symmetric. Single fibres in antitaxial veins can be continuous over the median line, in contrast to elongate grains or fibres in syntaxial veins.

Fig.4: Development of Antitaxial vein. A change in the relative motion of the wall rocks (arrows) can cause curvature of the growing fibres in the veins. Modified from Passchier ().

Fig.5: Mineral fibers parallel to the incremental opening direction of a Antitaxial and Syntaxial vein. From Jean-Pierre Burg.

&#; Ataxial growth: veins may form by repeated fracturing and growth at alternating different sites in the vein. Such non-localized, ataxial cracking and growth produces veins with jogged or stepped and rarely smooth elongate grains without a median line that are in continuity with fragments of single crystals on both sides of the vein. Such elongate grains are known as stretched crystals (Fig.6).

: veins may form by repeated fracturing and growth at alternating different sites in the vein. Such non-localized, ataxial cracking and growth produces veins with jogged or stepped and rarely smooth elongate grains without a median line that are in continuity with fragments of single crystals on both sides of the vein. Such elongate grains are known as stretched crystals ().

Fig.6: Development of Ataxial vein. A change in the relative motion of the wall rocks (arrows) can cause curvature of the growing fibres in the veins. Modified from Passchier ().

&#; Composite veins: are veins (Fig.7) in which an antitaxial vein segment is sandwiched between syntaxial vein rims. Such a vein has three median lines.

: are veins () in which an antitaxial vein segment is sandwiched between syntaxial vein rims. Such a vein has three median lines.

Fig.7: Development of Composite vein. A change in the relative motion of the wall rocks (arrows) can cause curvature of the growing fibres in the veins. Modified from Passchier ().


&#; Bons, P. D. (). The formation of veins and their microstructures. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2, 12.
&#; Bons, P. D., Elburg, M. A., & Gomez-Rivas, E. (). A review of the formation of tectonic veins and their microstructures. Journal of Structural Geology, 43, 33-62.
&#; Bucher, K., & Grapes, R. (). Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. Springer Science & Business Media.
&#; Fossen, H. (). Structural geology. Cambridge University Press.
&#; Howie, R. A., Zussman, J., & Deer, W. (). An introduction to the rock-forming minerals (p. 696). Longman.
&#; Passchier, Cees W., Trouw, Rudolph A. J: Microtectonics ().
&#; Philpotts, A., & Ague, J. (). Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology. Cambridge University Press.
&#; Shelley, D. (). Igneous and metamorphic rocks under the microscope: classification, textures, microstructures and mineral preferred-orientations.
&#; Vernon, R. H. & Clarke, G. L. (): Principles of Metamorphic Petrology. Cambridge University Press.
&#; Vernon, R. H. (). A practical guide to rock microstructure. Cambridge university press.


Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the "median line" XPL image, 1x (Field of view = 9mm)

Particular of a big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the fluid inclusions within quartz crystals. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Particular of a big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the fluid inclusions within quartz crystals. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Particular of a big antitaxial quartz vein. Note the fluid inclusions within quartz crystals. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote vein in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote vein in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote vein in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote vein in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote veins in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Epidote vein in a Hornfels. Monte cristo island, Italy. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Antitaxial quartz vein i a schist. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Antitaxial quartz vein in a schist. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Antitaxial quartz vein in a schist. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Antitaxial quartz vein in a schist. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz vein. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Antitaxial quartz vein in a marble. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Calcite vein in a marble. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Calcite vein in a quartzite. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. From Pisa (Italy) XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. From Pisa (Italy) XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. From Pisa (Italy) XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. From Pisa (Italy) XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Syntaxial quartz veins. From Pisa (Italy) XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. PPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. PPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. PPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 20x (Field of view = 1mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 20x (Field of view = 1mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. PPL image, 20x (Field of view = 1mm)

Fibrous calcite crystals in a vein. Serpentinite from Monterosso Calabro, Calabria region, Italy. XPL image, 20x (Field of view = 1mm)

&#; Bons, P. D. (). The formation of veins and their microstructures. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2, 12.&#; Bons, P. D., Elburg, M. A., & Gomez-Rivas, E. (). A review of the formation of tectonic veins and their microstructures. Journal of Structural Geology, 43, 33-62.&#; Bucher, K., & Grapes, R. (). Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. Springer Science & Business Media.&#; Fossen, H. (). Structural geology. Cambridge University Press.&#; Howie, R. A., Zussman, J., & Deer, W. (). An introduction to the rock-forming minerals (p. 696). Longman.&#; Passchier, Cees W., Trouw, Rudolph A. J: Microtectonics ().&#; Philpotts, A., & Ague, J. (). Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology. Cambridge University Press.&#; Shelley, D. (). Igneous and metamorphic rocks under the microscope: classification, textures, microstructures and mineral preferred-orientations.&#; Vernon, R. H. & Clarke, G. L. (): Principles of Metamorphic Petrology. Cambridge University Press.&#; Vernon, R. H. (). A practical guide to rock microstructure. Cambridge university press.

Stone Veining: What to Know When Buying Countertops

Stone Veining: What to Know When Buying Countertops

Stone countertops come in a variety of materials, colors, and patterns. With so many gorgeous styles available, you may need help deciding on the best countertops for your home or business.

Learning about veining in stone slabs can help you narrow your countertop options. Veins add depth and dimension, giving the stone a unique design that lends luxury to your space.

Table of contents:

What Are Veins in Countertops?

Natural stone veins are long, winding lines that run through the rock. Geologically speaking, these lines come from layers of minerals that have hardened inside the stone. The minerals get deposited by a stream of water that eventually evaporates, leaving mineral traces behind.

Vein colors can vary from gray to black, green, red, and purple depending on the elements in the minerals, such as mud, clay, metals, iron, and other compounds.

The way veins appear in stone is due to how the stone is cut. A vein-cut stone is cut against the grain, revealing long lines that stretch the length of the slab. Cross-cut stones follow the grain for veins that swirl and dance all over the surface.

Many different types of stone contain veins, like marble, granite, quartz, and quartzite.

Two Major Ways Veins Naturally Form in Stone

Let&#;s explore the science behind vein formation.

Open-Space Filling

This vein formation occurs in low pressure when minerals collect in a specific area of the stone and fan out to fill any open spaces nearby. Stone with open-space-filled veins may resemble a spider, with a concentration of color in the middle and long, radiating legs.

Crack-Seal Growth

Crack-seal veins form faster at a higher pressure, creating large gaps within the stone. Minerals gather in these open spaces and crystallize once the water evaporates.

Banded vs. Asymmetrical Veins

When you visit a stone supplier to shop for your home&#;s or business&#;s countertops, you&#;ll commonly see examples of banded and asymmetrical veins:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit black quartz with white veins.

  • Banded: Banded veins have layers of different materials that run parallel to each side of the vein.
  • Asymmetrical: Asymmetrical veins have layers of varying materials on either side of the vein.

Different Types of Veins

There are three common countertop veining types:

Linear Veins

Stones with linear veins feature continuous, branching lines that run in one direction. The veins&#; color contrasts with the rest of the stone for an eye-catching design.

Styles of stone with linear veins include:

  • Black Dune: Black Dune is a type of marble featuring white lines that stretch across a black background for a beautiful contrast.
  • Travertine Classic: Travertine is a natural stone featuring a warm, beige-colored background with lighter-colored linear veins.
  • Carrara: Carrara marble is a sophisticated combination of neutrals featuring white stone with linear gray veins.
  • Thunder White: This granite features an ash-white background with light and dark gray striations.

Tree Veins

Tree veins are present primarily in marble, but occasionally they can be found in granite. Tree veins in natural stone resemble the branches of a tree, reaching in multiple directions for a mesmerizing appearance.

Some popular styles of stone with tree veins include:

  • Guatemala Green: This type of marble has a stunning dark green background with white tree veins scattered throughout.
  • Calacatta: Another type of marble, Calacatta features a white background on which light gray veins unfurl.
  • Bianco Antico: This granite style features a soft gray background with warm taupe-colored tree veins.

Breccia Veins

Breccia is a rock made up of large, angular fragments of minerals. Stones with brecciated veins appear like many circular &#;islands&#; within the stone, surrounded by darker margins.

Popular styles of stone with brecciated veins include:

  • Breccia Capraia: This marble features islands of white and gray encircled with slate and black margins.
  • Breccia Pontificia: This exotic marble features beige fragments interspersed with deep red, amber, and orange streaks.
  • Breccia Imperiale: This stone is quartzite, featuring fragments ranging from dark gray to turquoise to orange and gold.

Different Veining Preferences

Veins come in various shapes, from wide to narrow and everything in between.

Contracting Veins

Contracting veins widen and narrow at random, making for a dazzling design. The following styles of granite have contracting veins:

  • Copacabana: This stunning rock resembles a zebra, with a black background and wide, white veins streaking throughout.
  • Altair: This luxurious stone offers a black base color with white, gold, and orange veins coursing across.
  • Green Wave: Aptly named, this granite mimics an ocean wave with a green background and wide white and gray veins.

Thick Veins

Thick veins give a striped appearance, perfect for those wanting dramatic countertops. These materials have thick veins:

  • Juparana Exotica: This granite offers a sandy beige background complemented with thick white, gold, and black veins.
  • Van Gogh: This show-stopping quartzite features a vivid blue background with thick red and white veins dancing throughout.
  • Sienna Beige: This granite is a white rock with light and dark brown veins.

Subtle Veins

Subtle veins are a great choice if you prefer more understated countertops. For subtle veins, consider:

  • River White: A pristine white granite, this stone has faint gray veins and small, deep red speckles.
  • Absolute Black: The base color of this granite is so dark that the veining is hard to see, offering a uniform, consistent look.


Manmade vs. Natural Stone Veining

While natural stone offers one-of-a-kind veining, manmade materials can be built with a variety of vein types for equally unique results. Learn more about each to help you weigh your options.

Natural Veins in Stone

Natural stones such as granite, marble, and quartzite have unique veining patterns that occur spontaneously, making each slab distinct. When you choose natural stone for your countertops, you&#;ll get unique pieces with their own personality.

Manmade Veins in Stone

Manufactured stones such as quartz can have relatively consistent veining engineered into the slab. If you opt for a manmade style of countertops, you&#;ll enjoy a more uniform pattern throughout your space.

Types of Stones With Veins

You can find veins in the following types of natural and manmade stone.


The veining in marble usually consists of long, serpentine lines of color that stretch across the stone, whether thin and straight or wide and irregular. Specific veining patterns in marble are highly sought after for their timeless elegance. Types of famous marble with veining include:

  • Nero Marquina: Extracted from northern Spain, this marble is black with thin white veins.
  • Emperador: This dramatic marble features rich, dark browns and grays.
  • White Calacatta: This popular Italian marble features gray and gold veins.
  • Fantasy Brown: This marble offers beautiful color variation and sweeping lines.


Granite veins appear as long, graceful lines of color. Popular types of granite with veins include:

  • Copacabana: This stone&#;s black and white stripes create a striking appearance.
  • Atlas: The colorful patterns in this granite resemble a map, with beige, gold, and deep turquoise shades swirling throughout.
  • Sienna Beige: This rustic stone features a white base color and deep brown veins with burgundy accents.
  • Blue Dunes: With earthy colors and hints of blue, this granite adds warmth and class to your space.

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Quartz and Quartzite

Quartz is a manmade stone that can feature an array of designed veins. Stone manufacturers can engineer vein patterns in many styles of quartz to appear nearly identical to marble, making quartz a more affordable alternative.

Quartzite is a natural stone that resembles genuine marble with a variety of unique vein patterns.

Popular quartz counter veining styles include:

  • Tumbled: Tumbled quartz offers a smooth side and a textured side.
  • Raindrop: Raindrop veining mimics natural stone, offering a rugged look.
  • Faceted: These veins have small facets that radiate light.
  • Frosted: Frosted veins add subtle texture to quartz.
  • Fancy: This wavy, sparkly pattern lends a glossy sheen to countertops.
  • Flamed: These veins look like flames decorating the surface of the stone.

Explore Veined Countertops at Lesher Natural Stone, Quartz, & Tile>

Lesher Natural Stone, Quartz, & Tile provides natural and manmade stone for countertops, sinks, fireplaces, staircases, flooring, and other applications you dream of.

We have stone slabs with a variety of veins to suit your preferences. If you are ready to upgrade your home or business with beautiful stone surfaces, get a quote today or call us at 717-964- to learn more.

Want more information on quartz calacatta laza? Feel free to contact us.


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