Major Corporations Come Together to Advance the First ...

Author: Geoff

Jul. 08, 2024




Major Corporations Come Together to Advance the First ...

Major Corporations Come Together to Advance the First Commercial Batch of Sustainable Steel in the US

RMI-led Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform will enable corporate leaders to participate in the joint purchase of the first near-zero emissions steel in North America this decade.

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New York, NY &#; September 20,

Leading corporations, including Microsoft, Nextracker, and Trammell Crow Company, announced today that they have joined forces to advance the purchase of inaugural volumes of near-zero emissions steel in North America, via the Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform (&#;the Platform&#;), convened by clean energy nonprofit RMI (founded as Rocky Mountain Institute).

Starting later this year, the Platform will begin a competitive procurement process open to all steelmakers to deliver sustainable steel to North America. The platform membership aims to have this process result in a collective request for up to 2 million tons of near-zero emissions steel. The request for information process launched today will engage steelmakers to understand the conditions needed to enable this production.

&#;We are thrilled to have this opportunity to work with RMI and our supply chain partners. This first-of-a-kind procurement platform will enable us to support the advanced development of low carbon steel solutions. This type of collaboration is essential for meeting our carbon negative by goal and supporting the world in the transition to a more sustainable future,&#; said Julia Fidler, fuel and materials decarbonization lead at Microsoft.

&#;As the largest commercial development firm in the United States, Trammell Crow Company is hyper focused on reducing our embodied carbon throughout our value chain. We are proud to support the Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform, which will enhance not only our efforts, but the efforts of everyone that requires the use of steel in their products,&#; said James Murray-Coleman, director of sustainability for Trammell Crow Company.

Near-zero emissions steel, colloquially referred to as &#;green steel&#;, requires a technology shift from current practices to processes where emissions are either captured or avoided entirely through, for example, electrification or the use of renewable hydrogen. Steel is currently produced in carbon-intensive processes that use coal or natural gas, making the sector responsible for 7 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions today.

&#;Thanks to ambitious corporate climate commitments like those of the Platform&#;s partners, if US corporate demand for sustainable steel this decade was pooled effectively, the signal would be large enough to bring three US near zero emissions steel plants to investment decision before ,&#; said Thomas Koch Blank, managing director at RMI.

The demand for green steel is estimated to increase to 6.7 megatons a year by the end of this decade as corporations strive to meet their climate targets through investment in sustainable construction and clean manufacturing of steel-intensive goods. If near-zero emissions steel is used instead of fossil fuel-intensive traditional steel, the life-cycle emissions of cars, for example, can be reduced by nearly 30 percent, and those of energy infrastructure decrease by nearly 80 percent.

&#;As the leading supplier of solar trackers for utility-scale solar power generation projects around the world, it is our responsibility to understand our carbon footprint at the deepest level,&#; stated Nicolas Brion, senior steel sourcing director of Nextracker. &#;From our inception, our company has walked the walk and we&#;re not stopping now. We greatly look forward to participating in RMI&#;s Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform to accelerate the decarbonization of our supply chain.&#;

To ensure rigorous transparency throughout the joint procurement process, the Platform will build on RMI&#;s work developing product-level emissions guidance with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), as well as financial industry reporting standards in the Sustainable STEEL Principles.

RMI has successfully deployed similar initiatives to decarbonize aviation, spurring critical supply chains to action. Bringing together leading corporations via the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance, RMI is encouraging the adoption of sustainable aviation fuel to lower the climate impact of flight.

The Platform is the first buyers&#; group formed in North America set to collectively procure green steel. Providing a method for US buyers to reach their sustainability targets and progress iron and steel sector decarbonization, its launch at New York Climate Week accompanied the announcement of the First Movers Coalition&#;s Near-Zero Steel Challenge. Alongside the leading sector certification body, ResponsibleSteel, the two initiatives are working together to identify demand and mobilize suppliers to accelerate clean supply chains.

&#;Since its launch in Glasgow at COP26, the First Movers Coalition has become a $15 billion demand signal for innovative clean technologies and energy sources. We are thrilled to be working with Greenhouse, an Australian based innovation platform, to launch the global Near-Zero Steel Challenge and identify the supply sources needed to meet that demand,&#; said Nancy Gillis, program head at the First Movers Coalition. &#;Suppliers who respond to the Challenge will have the opportunity to pre-qualify for a US-focused procurement for near-zero steel being led by RMI. Incorporating a specific procurement opportunity into the Challenge reflects FMC&#;s dedication to translating commitment into action, and combining the two initiatives will help to accelerate the scale-up of clean technologies in the steel industry.&#;

Revitalizing the US steel industry through sustainable steel production has multiple benefits. Establishing domestic, near zero-emissions steel production will be critical to US supply chain security, bolstering the nation&#;s trade balances, and enabling re-investment in infrastructure without increased climate ramifications. These projects can create skilled industrial employment opportunities and drive local investment, revitalizing traditional centers of steel production such as the US Midwest, as well as bringing new opportunities to regions that are investing heavily in renewable energy deployment.

Media Inquiries please contact:

Alexandra Wall, Strategic Communications Manager, T: +52 55 , E:

Notes to Editors
About RMI

RMI, founded as Rocky Mountain Institute, is an independent nonprofit founded in that transforms global energy systems through market-driven solutions to align with a 1.5°C future and secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all. We work in the world&#;s most critical geographies and engage businesses, policymakers, communities, and NGOs to identify and scale energy system interventions that will cut greenhouse gas emissions at least 50 percent by . RMI has offices in Basalt and Boulder, Colorado; New York City; Oakland, California; Washington, D.C.; and Beijing. More information on RMI can be found at or follow us on LinkedIn @RMI.

About the First Movers Coalition

The First Movers Coalition (FMC) is the World Economic Forum&#;s flagship decarbonisation initiative, aimed at harnessing the purchasing power of companies to decarbonize seven &#;hard-to-abate&#; industrial sectors that currently account for 30% of global emissions: Aluminium, Aviation, Chemicals, Concrete, Shipping, Steel and Trucking; along with accelerating the adaptation of innovative Carbon Removal Technologies.

Comparing Aluminum and Steel: Which Metal is Right for ...

Steel and aluminum are two of the most widely used materials on the planet.

Comparing Aluminum and Steel: Which Metal is Right for Your Project?

The choice between aluminum and steel is a big decision when considering materials for industrial applications such as safe access solutions. Companies like ErectaStep utilize primarily aluminum to provide durable and efficient access solutions tailored to meet various industrial needs. Here&#;s a broader look at how aluminum and steel stack up in general use, helping you decide which metal is best for your specific project requirements.

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Corrosion Resistance

Aluminum is highly corrosion-resistant because it forms a protective oxide layer that shields the underlying metal from environmental elements. This characteristic makes aluminum ideal for applications where corrosion resistance is a priority, without additional protective coatings.

In contrast, carbon steel must be painted or galvanized to prevent rust and corrosion. Stainless steel, however, inherently resists corrosion due to its chromium content, making it suitable for environments that demand durability without frequent maintenance.

Malleability and Fabrication

Aluminum is known for its malleability and ease of fabrication, allowing for the creation of complex, detailed structures. This makes it particularly useful for projects requiring precision and intricate designs.

Steel, though less malleable, is valued for its toughness and resilience. It is more likely to maintain its shape under stress but can be more challenging to work into complex forms without special processing.

Strength and Durability

Steel is recognized for its superior strength and durability, making it a preferred material for applications that require robustness, such as in structural supports and heavy-duty frameworks.

Although aluminum is lighter and generally more prone to dents and scratches, it can offer increased strength in colder environments and is suitable for applications where a lighter material is beneficial.


Steel is significantly denser and heavier than aluminum, which can be a disadvantage or an advantage depending on the application. Aluminum&#;s lower weight makes handling easier and reduces transportation and construction costs.


Both aluminum and steel prices fluctuate based on global market conditions. Typically, steel is more cost-effective per pound. However, the choice may depend on specific project needs and the long-term benefits of using a lighter or more corrosion-resistant material.

STEELALUMINUMCheaperMore ExpensiveProne To CorrosionResistant To CorrosionHeavier (490 lbs. per cubic foot)Lighter (169 lbs. per cubic foot)Absorbs HeatHigh Thermal ConductivityVery StrongLess DurableLonger Assembly TimeEasy To Assemble

Application Uses

Steel is often chosen for its strength in construction, making it ideal for major infrastructure projects. Aluminum&#;s strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance make it advantageous for high-rise buildings and structures that require lighter materials.

Both metals are also widely used in the energy sector, transportation, and consumer goods, each playing to its strengths depending on the specific requirements of the project.

Choosing the suitable metal&#;whether it&#;s aluminum or steel&#;depends mainly on the specific demands of the application, balancing factors like strength, weight, corrosion resistance, and cost.

Wood or Aluminum

  • Durability: Aluminum outshines wood in durability, requiring minimal maintenance compared to the high upkeep of wood.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Aluminum&#;s resistance to rust makes it a superior choice over wood, especially in challenging conditions.
  • Ease of Assembly: Prefabricated aluminum solutions offer significant time and cost savings compared to labor-intensive wood construction.
  • Strength/Weight: Aluminum is three times stronger than wood, making it a more reliable choice in various applications.
  • Cost: While wood may have a lower upfront cost, the long-term benefits of aluminum outweigh the initial savings.
WOODALUMINUMLess Expensive UpfrontMore ExpensiveResistant To CorrosionResistant To CorrosionLighter (94 lbs. per cubic foot)Heavier (169 lbs. per cubic foot)Non-ConductiveConductiveLess DurableStrongerLonger Assembly TimesEasy To Assemble

Aluminum or Fiberglass

  • Durability: Fiberglass resists scratches and dents, while aluminum protects against UV exposure.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Both materials offer corrosion resistance, with fiberglass excelling in certain chemical environments.
  • Strength: Aluminum&#;s durability surpasses fiberglass, making it more suitable for impact-prone applications.
  • Weight: Aluminum is heavier than fiberglass but offers comparable strength at a lower weight.
  • Cost: Fiberglass tends to be more expensive than aluminum, considering both material and manufacturing costs.
FIBERGLASSALUMINUMCheaperMore ExpensiveResistant To CorrosionResistant To CorrosionLighter (112 lbs. per cubic foot)Heavier (169 lbs. per cubic foot)Non-ConductiveHigh Thermal ConductivityProne To Breaking or CrackingMore DurableLonger Assembly TimeEasy to Assemble


In choosing between aluminum and steel for industrial applications, including safe access solutions, it&#;s crucial to consider the specific needs of your project. Companies like ErectaStep rely on the durability, strength, and comparatively light weight of aluminum to optimize the functionality and safety of their installations. This strategic material selection is critical to developing effective and sustainable industrial solutions.


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