Starting an ASHP from cold uses lots of energy, so you’re better off leaving it on 24/7. Truth or myth? Let’s see.
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I'm running on weather compensation only, keeping the whole house at about 21°C. I turn the heating off with the timer from 12 to 5 am. The house temperature drops 2-4 degrees and then slowly builds up again from 5 am. This suits us as it’s cooler at night and in the morning when we’re active or out.
These are the results from a recent, cold, 5 am wake-up for the ASHP.
In the 90 minutes shown, the first peak gets the flow up from 17°C to the WC target of 42°C. The second peak is a defrost. It then settles down to a steady state to maintain the flow at 41-42°C. The ambient was -2°C throughout.
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The 90 minutes used 5.48 kWh. If the ASHP had been running steadily with no cold start and no defrost, at the same level as at 6:30 am, that 90 minutes would have used 4.36 kWh. So it took an extra 1.12 kWh to wake up the ASHP and get the flow up to target compared with running constantly.
Had the ASHP been running at the 6:30 am level for the 5 hours it was off, it would have used approximately 14.5 kWh. There are a couple more adjustments (defrosts, Freeze Stat) I could make to the numbers, but I think they would make the argument stronger. The conclusion is clear: switching off overnight saves me energy.
Of course, the big caveat here is that this isn’t heating up the house, just the radiators. The house does heat up but takes 3 or 4 hours. Like I said, this suits us. If I (or the ASHP) bumped up the flow temperature to heat the house quicker, then it would be different.
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