Advantages Vs. Disadvantages of Industrial Robots

Author: Marina

Jun. 10, 2024




Advantages Vs. Disadvantages of Industrial Robots

Advantages Vs. Disadvantages of Industrial Robots

Industrial robots are changing manufacturing and doing so in record numbers. Each year more robots are added to manufacturing floors and it&#;s easy to understand why as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Are you interested in learning more about advantages of robotics? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!


  • Improved Worker Safety - Manufacturing jobs can be labor intensive and involve working in hazardous conditions, both of which can be detrimental to a worker&#;s health and safety. Automating manufacturing lines with industrial robots improves the overall safety of the facility. Robots are resilient machines that are more capable of handling repetitive, laborious work than humans. The FANUC R-ib/210F not only can handle heavy payloads but is also specially designed for tough work environments.

  • Decreased Costs - Production and labor costs can both see a dramatic decrease through robotic automation. Industrial robots reduce the need for human interaction which helps to eliminate the chance of human errors that often result in wasted or scrapped materials and higher costs. On the labor side, costs are also cut as robots do not require a salary, paid time off, or benefits.

  • Increased Productivity - Every manufacturer strives to increase their productivity rates. The more productive a production is, the more likely they will see an increase in profits. Increased productivity is obtainable through automation with industrial robots. Robots can handle larger workloads and are more efficient. A single FANUC M710ic/50 can do the same amount of work as up to four workers. Robots are also capable of operating for longer hours which boosts productivity as well.

  • Better Product Quality - Accuracy and precision are needed in manufacturing in order to produce high-quality products. Articulated robots are designed to operate with the highest accuracy and precision repeatedly. Their controlled movements prevent errors from occurring or deviations from their programmed paths. Products as a result turn out uniform and high-quality with each cycle run.

  • Shorter Cycle Times - Robots can operate at much faster speeds than human workers. They do not take breaks, pauses, or lose concentration in-between tasks. As a result, cycle times can be significantly reduced. Shorter cycle times contribute to an efficient manufacturing process. The FANUC LR Mate 200id can perform automated pick and place much quicker than a human.

  • Reliability - Industrial robots operate with consistency. They do not hesitate between parts, deviate from their programmed applications, or lack focus. As a result, manufacturing processes become reliable with the occurrence of unexpected issues to be rare. Automating a welding process with a Motoman MA will be overall more reliable than using manual welding.


  • Initial Cost - The initial cost of a robotic system can be steep and may be one of the biggest holdups for businesses deciding on whether or not to automate. However, in the long run robots will result in reduced manufacturing costs. Reduced costs combined with higher productivity rates will allow companies to capture their ROI relatively quickly, making robots a smart investment. Those concerned about purchasing costs should consider buying a used robot. Robots have a long lifespan and one of the biggest benefits of second-hand robots is their affordability.

  • Replacement of Workers - Many believe industrial robots are displacing workers from their jobs. Robots taking jobs away from workers is one of the most common robot myths. In reality robots help to create more productive, skilled, and better paying jobs for workers. Positions such as operators, programmers, and engineers are all created and needed due to robotic automation.

Robots Done Right is the place to start when it comes to used robots. Contact us if you are interested in buying or selling your used robot.

Benefits of Industrial Robots

Arc weld­ing robots working

Advan­tages of Robots

The first indus­tri­al robot was intro­duced to the U.S. in the s. Since then, their tech­nol­o­gy has improved immense­ly cre­at­ing many advan­tages of robots. The advance­ment of robot­ics has also caused robots to become more wide­spread across var­i­ous indus­tries rang­ing from man­u­fac­tur­ing to health care. Robots have proven to be ben­e­fi­cial in enhanc­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, pro­mot­ing safe­ty, and cost and time efficiency.

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Robots and Productivity

  • Robots pro­duce more accu­rate and high qual­i­ty work.
  • Robots rarely make mis­takes and are more pre­cise than human workers.
  • They can pro­duce a greater quan­ti­ty in a short amount of time.
  • They can work at a con­stant speed with no breaks, days off, or hol­i­day time.
  • They can per­form appli­ca­tions with more repeata­bil­i­ty than humans.

Robots for Safety

  • Robots save work­ers from per­form­ing dan­ger­ous tasks.
  • They can work in haz­ardous con­di­tions, such as poor light­ing, tox­ic chem­i­cals, or tight spaces.
  • They are capa­ble of lift­ing heavy loads with­out injury or tiring.
  • Robots increase work­er safe­ty by pre­vent­ing acci­dents since humans are not per­form­ing risky jobs.


  • Robots save time by being able to pro­duce a greater mag­ni­tude of products
  • They also reduce the amount of wast­ed mate­r­i­al used due to their accuracy
  • Robots save com­pa­nies mon­ey in the long run with quick ROIs (return on invest­ment), few­er work­er injuries (reduc­ing or elim­i­nat­ing worker&#;s comp), and with using less materials.

The list of the advan­tages of robots does not end there; they have also cre­at­ed jobs for work­ers. Many peo­ple believe the mis­con­cep­tion that robots have tak­en away jobs from work­ers, but that is not nec­es­sar­i­ly true. Robots have cre­at­ed new jobs for those who were once on pro­duc­tion lines with pro­gram­ming. They have pulled employ­ees from repet­i­tive, monot­o­nous jobs and put them in bet­ter, more chal­leng­ing ones. They also allow US com­pa­nies to remain com­pet­i­tive, keep­ing jobs local. Robots are user-friend­ly, intel­li­gent, and afford­able. The ben­e­fits of robots con­tin­ue to grow as more indus­tries incor­po­rate them. Con­tact Robots&#;.com at 877&#;762&#; for help in choos­ing the right robot or get free price quotes.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit autonomous scrubber.


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