What Is Proppant Sand?

Author: wenzhang1

May. 13, 2024




What Is Proppant Sand?

At Pontotoc Sand & Stone, we’ve got all the best types of proppant sand for your fracing operation. We also understand the importance of load time, which is why we’ve developed an innovative loading process that takes less than seven minutes. Our automated process makes ordering, hauling, and tracking easier for your business.

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Goto AnYiCheng to know more.

Our sand undergoes a rigorous cleaning and testing process that grades and removes debris, ensuring compliance with industry standards. Once our sand arrives at your facility, it’s ready for use. Contact Pontotoc today to learn more about our high-quality shale gas proppant.

For more ceramic coated proppant wholesalerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.


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