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Guide to Gabion Stones

Author: Polly

Sep. 23, 2024




Tags: Hardware

Guide to Gabion Stones

Guide to Gabion Stones

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Gabions are a popular and practical way to add visual appeal to your landscape. This guide to gabion stones will help you understand gabion structures and the types of stones you can use.

What are Gabion Stones?

Gabions are cages, cylinders, or boxes filled with rocks. Gabion stones make walls and landscaping elements aesthetically appealing while still being structurally sound. You can add a unique, rustic look to your garden by building a gabion wall or using gabion baskets as design elements.

Gabion baskets are the wire mesh used to contain your chosen material. You can choose different baskets to make the wall or decorative element, including varying sizes and even curved cages to create an interesting line. Most baskets are made of galvanized steel and are coated with Galfan to last up to fifty years. Gabion baskets come as kits that you can unfold and fill on your own.

Gabion walls as retaining walls are advantageous to use in multi-level gardens to keep areas separate. If you&#;re interested in installing gabion fencing, you&#;ll need to consult with a builder or engineer who has experience with this type of project. Gabion walls are built with two layers of fencing spaced some distance apart, so each fence must stay upright on its own and be strong enough not to topple over when filled with stones.

Gabion stones

Advantages of Using Gabion Stones

  • Gabion walls are incredibly tough and built to last up to fifty years, compared to a fifteen- or twenty-year lifespan of wooden or chain link fencing.
  • The wire acts as extra reinforcement, not just the framework.
  • Building gabion walls doesn&#;t require much extra work compared to other fences.
  • Unlike brick walls, gabion walls are porous, so air and water flow through them instead of causing mold and damage.
  • Gabion structures are unique and more attractive than standard fencing.

Disadvantages of Using Gabion Stones

  • If you don&#;t buy galvanized steel wire, the gabion might start to rust after being exposed to the elements.
  • Gabion walls take up more space than wooden or chain-link fences because they are thicker.
  • It can be hard to replace rusted or damaged gabion wire.
  • If your stones are worn smooth, it will be difficult to replace what is worn, especially if it is at the bottom of the structure.


You can create a gabion by building a wire cage and filling it with stones of different sizes and colors. Gravel, decorative stones, or pieces of rock are some of the most popular options. You can fill gabions with tiles, broken bricks, or even elements from nature, like pine cones.

You should know what material you plan to fill your gabion with before building it, as different materials may require different thicknesses of wire. If you&#;re using gravel or pebbles, for instance, you&#;ll need a thinner mesh so the stones won&#;t slide out. If you&#;re using large stones, you&#;ll want sheet steel wire mesh with a thicker wire diameter to keep the wall structurally sound.

Not all stones are suitable to use in gabion baskets and walls. Think about size, shape, durability, temperature resistance, and pressure strength.

The most common stones used are granite, sandstone, or quartzite. They may come in any shape, but rounded or rectangular stones will fill the gabion best. These stones can also come in any size, and you can mix and match large and small stones. There is no need to perfectly fit the stones together because there needs to be space for air and water to flow through.

Amount of Stones Needed

You&#;ll order the rocks needed to fill a gabion basket in cubed meters, so you have to calculate the volume of your basket first. Multiply the basket&#;s width, height, and depth to get the volume. For example, a 500 mm cube would be 500 x 500 x 500 &#; 0.125 m3. You would need 0.125 cubed meters of rock to fill your basket. Then you will have to divide that measurement by the size of the stones you want to use.

If you&#;re unsure of the math, you can use an online Gabion Stone Calculator.

Gabion stones used as seating and tables


The cost of gabion stone structures can vary widely depending on what you&#;re building. For example, you&#;ll need assistance and more materials to build a gabion fence instead of using baskets for your wall. The price of the wire also depends on the quality and how much you need.

You&#;ll also have to consider the price of the filler stones. If you&#;re building a tall, wide wall, you might consider using bricks or attractive stones for the exterior while filling the inside with smaller, cheaper materials.

You can make stones by using materials you might have leftover from other house projects. If you have extra tile after redoing your bathroom, you can use those tiles in your gabion. You can also use bricks leftover from a project or removed from a previous flowerbed or garden. This is a great way to reuse existing materials while also drastically reducing the cost of building a gabion structure.


  • GabionSupply has tons of supplies for building your gabion, including unique deco-glass blocks. The site also has tips and video tutorials.
  • GabionenShop has an extensive offering of stone like marble, limestone, quartz, granite, and more. There are also many colors available.
  • StoneDecorative has an excellent selection of polished and semi-polished stones, as well as slate chippings and gravel.

Design Ideas

There are different styles of gabion baskets to consider as you build your structure, including different coatings, sizes, and wire diameters. Design ideas for the gabion stones can also vary depending on the purpose of your structure. If you want a strong retaining wall, you might not care what it looks like, whereas if you want to add some charm to your garden, you might have a specific aesthetic in mind. 

You might want to use large, sturdy stones to make your wall look solid and secure. If you&#;re building a gabion structure for practicality and aesthetic purposes, you can explore a variety of materials depending on how you want your garden to look.

You can use attractive decorative stones to fill your gabion baskets and brighten your garden&#;s overall look. You might prefer to keep your structure natural and use elements like pinecones and acorns to give a rustic look to your gabion. This guide to gabion stones, along with inspirational ideas, should help you add appeal to your garden with gabions decorating raised beds, fire pits, and benches.

Tips and Tricks for Gabion Walls

Wire Steel Mesh Baskets

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Shuangcheng New Material.

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Gabion baskets full of spectacular looking rock filling is a growing trend in Australia as a new approach to dealing with a retaining wall. They can be more cost effective and easier to install than traditional sleepers but less cumbersome and difficult to manoeuvre than concrete or sandstone blocks. The best part is you don&#;t need to have 25+ years as a landscaper to build one. Simple wire mesh panels and spiral winders make building a small retaining wall very easy. Here&#;s some tips that can help.

Material & Finish

All gabions are made from hot dipped galvanised 5mm gauge steel with a 50 x 50mm aperture (mesh gap). These features may not sound important but it is. Here&#;s why:

  • Galvanised steel is known for it&#;s resistance to weather and ability to withstand corrosive atmospheres, in particularly exposure to coastal air.  Read here for more information on galvanised gabions.
  • 5mm gauge steel is thick enough to allow the baskets not to bulge, stretch or warp when filled with rock.  Lighter gauge steel (3 or 4mm) can bulge once rocks fill the basket, pushing the mesh panels away from each other and incurring a bow in the basket.  Read more on this here. 
  • 50 x 50mm mesh aperture goes hand in hand with the 5mm gauge steel.  The larger mesh, the more stress placed on the intersections of the steel.  The larger the mesh, the less intersections meaning more pressure placed on each intersection.  This can directly contribute to bulging baskets once full of rock.  Read more on this here.

Check out a range of different real world installations in the gallery. See an example of different rock fillings available from Yarrabee & Castlemaine Stone.

River rock with earthy brown colours can contrast the steely look of the galvanised finish while a lighter gravel can camouflage the wire mesh with the rock filling.

Wall Height

The limits of height you can build a gabion rock retaining is really only limited to your needs. Baskets can be used to divide or step gardens by as little as 300mm or can be used to build a side of a house. It all comes down to stability and above a certain height, engineering approval. Find out more detail on considerations of how high you can build a retaining wall here.

Here are 4 common approaches to think about when determining the height of your rock retaining wall:

  • Add additional baskets to increase the depth of the wall.  This increases the surface area of the base of the wall on the ground which reduces the opportunity for the wall to sway or collapse.  The recommended ratio is 2 baskets high to every 1 basket deep.

Install support posts.  Support posts help add stability to your wall to also reduce the risk of collapse.  They need to be strong enough to properly support the gabions and should be secured in a concrete slab underneath the basket wall.  The stablisers can be threaded through the openings in the baskets to create rigidity through interlocking the baskets together.  The recommended spacing between the support posts is 1m.

  • Step your wall.  Stepping your retaining wall will add stability and have a provide a stepped look rather than a flush look for your wall.  Gabion walls with a stepped front face shall have a minimum 150 mm horizontal set back for each 500 mm vertical lift.
  • Slope your wall.  Sloping your wall back into the incline of the hill will help add stability to the wall.  The recommended incline is between 6 and 10 degrees.  Compacting of soil under the base will be required.  This is not recommended for retaining walls greater than 5m in height.

Height Regulations

Each state of Australia has different regulations of the acceptable height of retaining walls without engineering approvals. This allows you to build a retaining wall without approval from your council and an engineering study. In Queensland, councils will allow you to build a retaining wall less than 1 metre in height without a permit or building approval.

This height restriction applies to the following councils: Brisbane City, Ipswitch City, Redland City, Gold Coast City, Logan City, Scenic Rim, Southern Downs, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay, Somerset, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Gympie and South Burnett Regional council.

Less than 1 metre in height does not require council approval

Small or large baskets?

Gabion baskets can come in a range of sizes since they&#;re built from a combination of steel wire mesh panels and spiral winder joiners. This gives you a wide variety of flexibility when it comes to finalising on the size basket you need.

There are a number of challenges when using large gabions. Here&#;s some considerations:

Smaller gabion baskets are more manoeuvrable

The most common form of delivery for all gabion baskets is flat packed on a wooden pallet (see below). The gabions are constructed into their finished shape onsite in situ when ready for filling. You would never build the basket and fill with rock and try to move into position &#; the basket will be very heavy and not possible to move by hand. The installer building the retaining wall will physically take the steel mesh pieces from the pallet and erect into a basket form and place in it&#;s final resting position (in retaining wall).

To find out what you get with your gabion basket flatpack

When you consider this, moving steel mesh sheets of mm x 500mm in size are far easier to handle by one person than sheets of mm x mm. Gabion baskets made up of wire mesh panels of mm x mm in size is about the maximum size that can be handled by 1 person. Panels of a larger size will require more people (at least 2) to put together. Refer to the demo video to see an example of a mm x 500mm basket being put together.

Smaller gabions are easier to fill

Smaller gabion walls (or larger gabion walls built in stages of smaller sections) allow you to physically reach the bottom of the basket. This is very helpful when you&#;re trying to place the rock filling. If you&#;re trying to reach down from a 1m high basket or even worse, get a wheelbarrow up high to tip rock in, you&#;re going to struggle.

For gabions placed on the ground, you can simply wheelbarrow your rock filling directly into the top of the basket then attach the lid mesh. You do not require any loaders or bobcat&#;s to scoop the rock and fill the basket from an unmanageable height.

Increased customisation

Here&#;s a good example: Say you wanted to build a achieve a a 2m long gabion rock wall that is 300mm deep and 500mm high. Rather than trying to achieve this with one large basket, we can use a combination of different standard panel sizes as follows:

  • 4 off x500mm panels (acting as the front and back facing panels)
  • 4 off x300mm panels (acting as the bottom and top facing panels)
  • 3 off 500x300mm panels (acting as the 2 end panels and 1 centre panel)

Rather than try and handle one 2m monster basket, you can build this in situ one panel at a time. Notice how the 1 off 500x300mm panel is used as a central panel? This means that this setup is more cost effective than buying 2 individual baskets butted up together because one end panel is now redundant. It also ties all the other panels in together nicely with the spiral winder (not shown).

Reducing gabion bulging

Smaller gabion baskets installed on top of one another allow for a centre support that runs horizontally through the middle of your retaining wall. This ensures your rock filling stays consistent throughout the basket, preventing bellowing. Over time, rock filling cannot slowly sink deeper into the basket causing bellowing due to the weight and pressure of the rock. The larger the basket, the more likely bellowing is to happen because the less wire mesh is available to support it. Such an effect will eventually destroy the shape of the wall and it&#;s functionality.

Refer to Avoiding the bulge for more information on how to stop your gabion baskets bellowing.

Are you interested in learning more about Gabion Wire Mesh? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!


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